Don’t be worried… I’m okay! It’s just a catchy title…
But… you’ll see in a minute why I used it…
I wanted to paint my “island” today, so I gathered the paint brush, taped off the “top” area so no paint would get on it, put a tarp down on the floor, got a paint stirrer, a paint can opener, but something was missing. I couldn’t find the paint!! It was probably back in November when we bought it and my hubby remembered he bought a little sample jar of the color we wanted and a bottle of some wood finisher for butcher block type surfaces.
We looked everywhere… upstairs in the attic, in the basement, in the garage, in every closet and drawer that could hold it. After at least 45 minutes of searching, he found it up on a shelf in the guest room. Finally, I could start…
My hubby likes the color of our buffet in the dining room… its called Smokestack Gray but it’s really a very nice blue if you ask me. That’s why he likes it too.
I wanted it to dry overnight so that was all I got done on the island… don’t you think that color qualifies as a “blue?” I think it will be a pretty color in my kitchen.
Okay… my next “blue” to discuss. I wanted to make Emmie a pretty blue slip to wear under her dress, but it just wouldn’t cooperate. This blue ruffled fabric is a mesh fabric and somewhat stretchy, so the yoke area, when topstitched, drew up and just kind of hugged her hips and belly… I redid it 3 times and finally gave up…
…and went with this white slip, using my non-stretch tulle… first time and this slip was complete.
It looks sweet on Emmie and holds her dress out wonderfully.
Well, that was my blue day, but it wasn’t that bad!!
Hope to see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne